Living Space

How To Declutter Your Kitchen- Hardcore Edition

Alright, this one is for my hardcore folks. Those that are sick and tired of clutter and are ready to embrace a minimalist kitchen.

When it comes to minimizing it is helpful to think about what you really need instead of focusing on everything you need to get rid of.

I like to take a systematic approach as this keeps my head from spinning in all directions.

  • Take everything you truly need and put it into a pile.
    • I have compiled a list of what belongs in a minimalist kitchen here.
  • Once everything you need is out of sight, it’s time to tackle the rest.
  • Start with one drawer or cupboard at a time.
    • Do not move on until it is complete.
  • There will be things you come across that you aren’t quite sure you want out of your life. (I see you bread maker)
    • Take these items and put them into a box (the maybe box).
      • We will come back to them.
  • As you empty each drawer and cupboard give it a good clean.
  • Once everything is empty it’s time for the fun part- putting things away!
    • Find a home for each item that works well for the functionality of your kitchen.
  • Now it’s time to look at the maybe box
    • As you look at each item ask yourself if you truly need it and what purpose does it serve.
      • Remember everything you keep is another item you must care for and that ultimately takes away your precious time to do the things you love.
    • If you still can’t decide on a few items, then keep them in the box.
      • Put the box away
        • If you use something out of the box in the next 6 months then it is fair game to keep
        • If after 6 months there are items that you haven’t touched, then off to donation they go!

Not too bad, huh?!

Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy your newfound time that you used to spend cleaning your cluttered kitchen!

Happy minimizing,
