Living Space

Declutter Your Kitchen

Start with these 8 easy items to donate or throw today!

Life is messy and there is no way around that, but there are easy ways we can make life much simpler. I am a strong believer that one of those ways is by simplifying our homes. Now don’t freak out, I’m not trying to turn you into a minimalist (unless that’s your jam.) My goal is to help you get rid of things that are no longer serving you or that you haven’t touched in 2 years.

Let’s start with the kitchen!

Oh the kitchen, the room in the house that always seems to need cleaning. I mean we can’t avoid eating or stop feeding the little gremlins we birthed, but do we need 4 spatulas and the waffle maker collecting dust in our cupboard? (Hint, no we don’t)

Now for some people we are all or nothing and we want to go balls to the walls (If that is you….head to this article)

For those of us that get overwhelmed, have trouble letting go, or just simply don’t have a lot of time here is a simple list to start with!

Here are 8 things to throw or donate today to get you started.

  • Take out menus
    • I mean come on….internet.
  • Fast food condiments
    • Seriously, they are probably expired anyway.
  • Duplicates of utensils
    • Unless you own a potato farm you probably don’t need two peelers.
  • Expired spices
    • I know, I know I didn’t know they expired either.
  • Cook books
    • Again internet. (Exception- Grandmas hand written recipe book)
  • Kitchen gadgets you’ve used once
    • Yes, I mean that fancy chopper you used twice and then realized there is much less clean up when using a knife.
  • Old sponges
    • Grosssss, go to the dollar store and get yourself some fresh ones.
  • Tupperware with no lid
    • And speaking of tupperware you don’t need 10 of the same size unless 10 people in your family need it everyday!

Not too scary right? I promise with each item tossed or donated you will feel lighter.

Now go grab a trash bag and box for donation and get after it!

Happy decluttering!
