
6 Easy Ways To Simplify Your Wardrobe

If you are anything like me, you despise laundry. As a mom I feel like I am constantly loading the washer, then forgetting that I started the washer and having to rewash then finally moving to dryer, then to the basket where it sits until I find the motivation to finally fold it and put it away. Sound familiar?

One day I finally said enough is enough and I went through every single piece of clothing in our house and minimized. Now you don’t have to take the same balls to the walls approach as me, but here are 6 easy ways to simplify your wardrobe today!

  1. Get rid of any clothes that are stained, ripped, or just plain old worn out.
    • These are great options to cut up and use as rags.
  2. No dry clean items
    • I mean who has time for that?
  3. Seasonal Items
    • If you live in a climate like me (negative 50 in one season and 90 above the next) then you may need more seasonal options, but limit them.
      • Pro Tip: When minimizing and for future purchases aim for items that can be worn all year round.
        • For seasonal items like winter coats store them away so they aren’t cluttering up your closet.
  4. Say goodbye to those “someday clothes.”
    • I know, I know….”but, what if I fit into them someday.”
      • Well, if you do go down in clothing sizes then celebrate and go buy yourself some new clothes…you deserve it!
  5. Keep ONLY items you feel damn good in.
    • There is no reason to keep that top you don’t like just because you spent a lot of money on it. Let someone else enjoy it!
  6. If you have a hard time letting go of a sentimental piece of clothing you never wear then find a way to use it that doesn’t involve it collecting dust in your closet.
    • T-shirt quilts are great for this!

Not so bad, huh?!

When you are ready to simplify your wardrobe even more check out my article here.

Happy minimizing,
